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M El-Hattab, N Sinclair, J Liszewski, M Schrodt, J Herrmann, AJ Klingelhutz, EA Sander, JA Ankrum. Native adiponectin plays a role in the adipocyte mediated conversion of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2023. In press. (link)
PL Silva, FF Cruz, CM Martins, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, M Cereda, L Ball, P Pelosi, PRM Rocco. A specific combination of laboratory data is associated with overweight lungs in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia at hospital admission: Secondary cross-sectional analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Frontiers in Medicine, 2023. In press. (link)
J Kim, N Schaible, J Hall, E Bartolák-Suki, Y Deng, J Herrmann, AH Sonnenberg, HP Behrsing, KR Lutchen, R Krishnan, B Suki. A novel approach to measure the multiscale stiffness of precision cut lung slices: Application to human emphysema. Science Advances, 2023. In press. (link)
JHT Bates, J Herrmann, DT Casey, B Suki. An agent-based model of tissue maintenance and self-repair. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 2023. In press. (link)
SE Gerard, MFA Chaudhary, J Herrmann, GE Christensen, RSJ Estépar, JM Reinhardt, EA Hoffman. Direct estimation of regional lung volume change from paired and single CT images using residual regression neural network. Medical Physics, 2023. Online ahead of print. (link)
AF da Cruz, J Herrmann, H Ramcharran, M Kollisch-Singule, MH Tawhai, JHT Bates, GF Nieman, DW Kaczka. Sustained vs. intratidal recruitment in the injured lung during airway pressure release ventilation: A computational modeling perspective. Military Medicine, 2023. In press. (link) |
M Connell, Y Xin, SE Gerard, J Herrmann, PK Shah, KT Martin, E Rezoagli, D Ippolito, J Rajaei, R Baron, P Delvecchio, S Humayun, G Bellani, RR Rizi, M Cereda. Unsupervised segmentation and quantification of COVID-19 lesions on computed tomography scans using CycleGAN. Methods, 205:200-209, 2022. (link)
L Shi, J Herrmann, S Bou Jawde, JHT Bates, HT Nia, B Suki. Modeling the influence of gravity and the mechanical properties of elastin and collagen fibers on alveolar and lung pressure-volume curves. Scientific Reports, 21(1):12280, 2022. (link)
J Herrmann, M Kollisch-Singule, J Satalin, GF Nieman, DW Kaczka. Assessment of heterogeneity in lung structure and function during mechanical ventilation: A review of methodologies. ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, 5(4):040801, 2022. (link)
L Ball, G Scaramuzzo, J Herrmann, M Cereda. Lung aeration, ventilation, and perfusion imaging. Current Opinion in Critical Care, 28(3):302-307, 2022. (link)
L Ball, C Robba, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, M Pigati, A Berardino, F Iannuzzi, D Battaglini, I Brunetti, G Minetti, S Seitun, A Vena, DR Giacobbe, M Bassetti, PRM Rocco, M Cereda, L Castellan, N Patroniti, P Pelosi, GECOVID Group. Early versus late intubation in COVID-19 patients failing helmet CPAP: A quantitative computed tomography study. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 301:103889, 2022. (link)
Yuan Z, J Herrmann, S Murthy, KR Peters, SE Gerard, HT Nia, KR Lutchen, B Suki. A personalized spring network representation of emphysematous lungs from CT images. Frontiers in Network Physiology, 2:828157, 2022. (link) |
Y Xin, K Martin, CCA Morais, P Delvecchio, SE Gerard, H Hamedani, J Herrmann, N Abate, A Lenart, S Humayun, U Sidhu, M Petrov, K Reutlinger, T Mandelbaum, I Duncan, N Tustison, S Kadlecek, S Chatterjee, JC Gee, RR Rizi, L Berra, M Cereda. Diminishing efficacy of prone positioning with late application in evolving lung injury. Critical Care Medicine, 49(10):e1015-1024, 2021. (link)
AF da Cruz, J Herrmann, CRR Carvalho, DW Kaczka. A comparison of endotracheal tube compensation techniques for the measurement of respiratory mechanical impedance at low frequencies. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 2021. Online ahead of print (link)
S Bou Jawde, K Karrobi, D Roblyer, F Vicario, J Herrmann, DT Casey, KR Lutchen, D Stamenović, JHT Bates, B Suki. Inflation instability of the lung: An analytical model of a thick-walled alveolus with wavy fibers under large deformation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(183):20210594, 2021. (link)
D Zeldich, S Bou Jawde, J Herrmann, L Arnaout, M Griffin, N Grunfeld, Y Zhang, R Krishnan, E Bartolák-Suki, B Suki. Stabilizing breathing pattern using local mechanical vibrations: Comparison of deterministic and stochastic stimulations in rodent models of apnea of prematurity. Biomedical Engineering Letters, 11(4):1-10, 2021. (link)
DT Casey, S Bou Jawde, J Herrmann, V Mori, JM Mahoney, B Suki, JHT Bates. Percolation of collagen stress in a random network model of the alveolar wall. Scientific Reports, 11:16654, 2021. (link)
J Herrmann, SE Gerard, W Shao, Y Xin, M Cereda, JM Reinhardt, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, DW Kaczka. Effects of lung injury on regional aeration and expiratory time constants: Insights from 4DCT image registration. Frontiers in Physiology, 12:707119, 2021. (link)
L Ball, C Robba, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, M Mandelli, D Battaglini, I Brunetti, G Minetti, S Seitun, G Bovio, A Vena, DR Giacobbe, M Bassetti, PRM Rocco, M Cereda, RR Rizi, L Castellan, N Patroniti, P Pelosi, GECOVID group. Lung distribution of gas and blood volume in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A quantitative dual-energy computed tomography study. Critical Care, 25(1):214, 2021. (link)
D Battaglini, S Caiffa, G Gasti, E Ciaravolo, C Robba, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, M Bassetti, P Pelosi, L Ball. An experimental pre-post study on the efficacy of respiratory physiotherapy in severe critically ill COVID-19 patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(10):2139, 2021. (link)
J Herrmann, SE Gerard, JM Reinhardt, EA Hoffman, DW Kaczka. Regional gas transport during conventional and oscillatory ventilation assessed with xenon-enhanced computed tomography. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 49(9)2377-2388, 2021. (link)
L Ball, C Robba, L Maiello, J Herrmann, SE Gerard, Y Xin, D Battaglini, I Brunetti, G Minetti, S Seitun, A Vena, DR Giacobbe, M Bassetti, PRM Rocco, M Cereda, L Castellan, N Patroniti, P Pelosi. Computed tomography assessment of PEEP-induced alveolar recruitment in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Critical Care, 25(1):81, 2021. (link)
SE Gerard, J Herrmann, Y Xin, KT Martin, E Rezoagli, D Ippolito, G Bellani, M Cereda, J Guo, EA Hoffman, DW Kaczka, JM Reinhardt. CT image segmentation for inflamed and fibrotic lungs using a multi-resolution convolutional neural network. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 1455, 2021. (link)
B Suki, J Herrmann, JHT Bates. An analytic model of tissue self-healing and its network implementation: Application to fibrosis and aging. Frontiers in Physiology, 11:583024, 2020. (link)
J Herrmann, V Mori, JHT Bates, B Suki. Modeling lung perfusion abnormalities to explain early COVID-19 hypoxemia. Nature Communications, 11(1):4883, 2020. (link)
AH Sonnenberg, J Herrmann, MW Grinstaff, B Suki. A Markov chain model of particle deposition in the lung. Scientific Reports, 10(1):13573, 2020. (link)
J Herrmann, AF da Cruz, ML Hawley, RD Branson, DW Kaczka. Shared ventilation in the era of COVID-19: A theoretical consideration of the dangers and potential solutions. Respiratory Care, 65(7):932-945, 2020. (link)
J Herrmann, SE Gerard, W Shao, ML Hawley, JM Reinhardt, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, DW Kaczka. Quantifying regional lung deformation using four-dimensional computed tomography: A comparison of conventional and oscillatory ventilation. Frontiers in Physiology, 11:14, 2020. (link)
B Hajdarevic, J Herrmann, AF da Cruz, DW Kaczka. System identification of proportional solenoid valve dynamics. International Journal of Modelling, Identification, and Control, 34(2):103-115, 2020. (link)
SE Gerard, J Herrmann, DW Kaczka, G Musch, A Fernandez-Bustamante, JM Reinhardt. Multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for fully automated segmentation of acutely injured lungs in multiple species. Medical Image Analysis, 60:101592, 2020. (link)
E Schmidt, F Dexter, J Herrmann, JD Godding, B Hadder, Loftus RW. Assessment of anesthesia machine redesign on routine, between-case cleaning in the operating room theatre. American Journal of Infection Control, 48(6):675-681, 2020. (link)
J Herrmann, W Lilitwat, MH Tawhai, DW Kaczka. High-frequency oscillatory ventilation and ventilator-induced lung injury: Size does matter. Critical Care Medicine, 48(1):e66-e73, 2020. (link)